
Google Ads: Bottom & Middle of Funnel (Intermediate/Advanced)

Module 2

Always start at the bottom of your funnel and work your way up from there. It gives you a compounding benefit at each stage of your sales funnel. These strategies are for intermediate to advanced advertisers.

Module Structure

Always start at the bottom of your funnel and work your way up from there. It gives you a compounding benefit at each stage of your sales funnel. These strategies are for intermediate to advanced advertisers.

In this video you'll learn how to set up branded search campaigns. A lot of people get this wrong, so if you follow this method, you'll have a huge advantage over your competitors.

This will be one of your most reliable campaigns in Adwords. Leverage the display network to help close sales you would have otherwise missed.

Learn how to market to the middle of your funnel using display retargeting.

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