Tools & Resources

Tools & Resources

Module 1

This growing library of tools and resources are the same ones I use for my own e-commerce success. The first video and tool is available for free but the rest are only available to members.

Module Structure

4 Lessons

This growing library of tools and resources are the same ones I use for my own e-commerce success. The first video and tool is available for free but the rest are only available to members.

Most business don’t really know their customer lifetime value (LTV). I made a spreadsheet to help you calculate it for a huge advantage over your competitors. 

2: Ad Spend Tracking Spreadsheet

Use this spreadsheet to keep track of your results with only 5 easy inputs each month.

3: E-commerce Advertising Roadmap

Use this spreadsheet as a guide to know what to tackle first and also track your progress.

4: Monthly Optimization Calendar

Use this tool to guide your monthly optimization. All it takes is 1-2 hours per week.

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